Laser Tattoo Removal

With tattoos having gained massive popularity over the last decades, so has the want to remove them. While they were once considered a permanent decision, tattoos are now subject to change similar to other aspects of our appearance. Whether it’s a professional necessity, a change in personal taste, or simply a want for a fresh start, the demand for laser tattoo removal services has greatly increased in recent years.

Every investment in your clinic should be greatly considered as your clinic grows. Especially in the ever-evolving world of laser technology, it can be hard to decipher what’s worth spending money on to get the best out of it. In this article, we will explore the reasons why you should consider investing in a laser tattoo removal machine for your clinic.

Market Demand

1.   Changing Social Norms

A few decades ago, tattoos were somewhat of a rebellious sign or even perceived as taboo in lots of career opportunities. But as societal opinions have slowly changed and evolved, tattoos have become more acceptable. However, more people are also opting to remove tattoos that no longer align with their identities or reasons they had years ago.

2.   Career Considerations

While tattoos are not as taboo as they once were, there are still lots of industries that require a more conservative dress code and grooming standards. With such requirements, visible tattoos can create challenges for job seekers and employees alike. This prompts many people to look for solutions such as tattoo removal to enhance their career prospects.

3.   Fashion Trends

Just like any other form of personal style, tattoo trends come and go. What might have been trendy and meaningful at one point in time may eventually lose its significance or appeal. While most people knew going in that tattoos would last forever, with rising opportunities to remove them they are likely to consider their options if their taste and preference changed over time.

4.   Regret and Mistakes

Some tattoos might have been impulsed decisions that may not stand the test of time and many people will regret their decisions made in the heat of the moment. Whether it’s a poorly executed tattoo, a misspelt word, or a reminder of a past relationship, they are unwanted ink people want to get removed.

5.   Advancements in Technology

As laser technology is becoming more advanced, it has revolutionised the tattoo removal industry, making the process safer, more effective, and less painful than ever. More detailed information on that later on.


laser tattoo removal

Revenue Opportunity

1.   High Demand

As discussed earlier, there is a growing demand for tattoo removal services driven by changing social norms, career considerations, and personal preferences. This high demand translates directly into revenue potential for your clinic by offering laser tattoo removal treatments.

2.   Recurring Revenue

Unlike other one-time aesthetic treatments, laser tattoo removal typically requires multiple sessions spaced several weeks apart to achieve optimal results. Each session represents an opportunity for revenue generation, with clients returning for multiple treatments until their tattoo is fully removed or faded to their desired outcome.

3.   Attractive Profit Margins

The cost of providing laser tattoo removal treatments, including equipment, supplies, and staff time, can be relatively low compared to the fees you can charge for the service. This results in an attractive profit margin, making laser tattoo removal a worthy investment for your clinic.

4.   Word-of-Mouth Referrals

With the right equipment and training, successful tattoo removals can be achieved, leaving clients happy and likely to spread the word to friends, family, and colleagues. This can generate a great deal of new clients seeking similar services and significantly contribute to your clinic’s revenue growth.

5.   Long-Term Client Relationship

By providing laser tattoo removal services, you will be able to establish a long-term relationship with your clients during the multiple sessions required to fully remove tattoos. Loyal clients are more inclined to return for additional treatments or explore other services offered by your clinic, contributing to stable revenue growth over time.


Technological Advancements

Picosecond Laser Technology

One of the most significant advancements in laser tattoo removal is the development of picosecond lasers. These lasers deliver ultra-short pulses of energy in picoseconds (trillionths of a second), allowing for more efficient and targeted tattoo ink fragmentation. Picosecond lasers are capable of breaking down tattoo ink particles into smaller fragments, making them easier for the body’s immune system to remove.

This technology has revolutionised tattoo removal by significantly reducing the number of treatment sessions required for complete tattoo removal compared to traditional lasers.

Q-Switch Multi-Wavelength Lasers

To effectively target different colours of tattoo ink, modern laser systems often incorporate multiple wavelengths. Different colours absorb light at different wavelengths, so using a laser with multiple wavelengths allows for a more comprehensive removal of a wide range of tattoo pigments. Additionally, the Q-switch quality allows for selective targeting and breaking down of tattoo ink particles without causing thermal damage to the surrounding skin.

Choosing which type of kaser will fit best in your clinic can be intimidating at first. To find out more about our advanced picosecond PicoStar laser and our Q-switch NanoStar laser family, check out our article on “Choosing The Right Laser For Tattoo Removal: Q-Switched vs Picosecond”. If you are still unsure about what qualities your clinic could benefit most from, get in touch with us.

Diversification of Services

1.   Expand Client Base

By offering laser tattoo removal, you might attract a new segment of clients who may not have previously taken advantage of your clinic’s services. People looking for tattoo removal treatments often come from very diverse backgrounds and demographics, providing an opportunity to broaden your clinic’s client base and reach.

2.   Complementary Services

Laser tattoo removal can complement existing services offered by your clinic, such as skin care, dermatology, or aesthetics. For example, clients undergoing tattoo removal may also be interested in other skin rejuvenation treatments or skincare products to maintain healthy skin during the removal process.

By providing a comprehensive range of services, your clinic can meet the diverse needs of your clientele and enhance the overall customer experience.

3.   Competitive Advantage

Clinics that offer laser tattoo removal gain a competitive edge in the market by providing a sought-after service that sets them apart from competitors and you would not want to miss out on that opportunity for your clinic.

This can also attract new clients who specifically seek out clinics with expertise in tattoo removal and contribute to your clinic’s reputation as a comprehensive provider of aesthetic and skincare solutions.

4.   Adaptability to Market Trends:

The ability to diversify your services demonstrates your clinic’s adaptability to changing market trends and client preferences. As the demand for tattoo removal services continues to grow, clinics that proactively incorporate laser tattoo removal into their offerings position themselves as forward-thinking and responsive to evolving customer needs.




The market demand for laser tattoo removal services continues to grow, driven by changing social norms, career opportunities, and personal preferences. By recognising and capitalising on this demand, your clinic can greatly benefit from the increasingly essential service that meets the evolving needs and preferences of your clientele and more.


Offering laser tattoo removal allows your clinic to diversify its revenue streams, attract new clients, and enhance its competitive advantage in the market. By investing in state-of-the-art laser technology, you will be able to provide your clients with exceptional outcomes and experiences. Get in touch with us to benefit from advanced laser technology and sophisticated services.